I want to shout it from the rooftops. Tell everyone we know...but I will wait.
Rick and I have finally picked out the most perfect(in our opinion, of course) names for our little bundle of joy whether it be a boy or a girl. We always knew our girl name, however boy was definitely a different story. We went round and round on that one for weeks and then...AH-HA!
Now I love my husband to pieces but Sweatt is not the easiest name to be paired with. Especially if our sweet angel has red hair, which I PRAY that he/she does even though Rick says it was a curse growing up. I have always adored the name Benjamin and we would call him Ben. I can just hear those middle-schoolers now though. "Hey ya "Ben Sweattin?" Not so much. Rick loved the named Gunner. Again, "Ya Gunner Sweatt?" I know we are from Texas and I am Texas proud but I just couldn't. No, thank you.
It is quite a bit of pressure picking out the perfect name for your unborn child. Will he/she love it as much as we do? Will we have picked a name out that we thought was unique at the time and then ten years from now all of the other kids will have it too? My mom picked Lindsey because it was unique in the 80's. I now share that name with about 34384573495 other Lindsey's.
After a lot of talking, I am confident that we have picked the right names! I can't wait to share with you all and I definitely will once we find out the sex. Stay tuned for April 2nd!