Ya'll I can't even contain my excitement! We are two(weekends don't count because let's be honest - those all fly by anyway) short days away from finding out if baby is a boy or girl. EEEK! Soon I can reveal our names and start shopping, shopping, shopping. It has been SO hard to not buy for this little babe but I definitely have a list of things to go back and get when we do finally know.
Pinterest is only adding to my excitement. Here are a few favorites if we are having a baby girl:

And here are a few of my favorites if we are having a boy:
I was so excited to find this blanket because it has my husband and our (possible) future son's name written all over it.
I'm a sucker for seersucker. This is another Doodles favorite. 

Polo baby you are my weakness. I know he would grow out of these in an instant but don't you know I'd take a million pictures of him in these during that instant?!
My personal guess is a boy. When we had our first ultrasound, my husband and I both immediately said "that's a boy,"when we first saw the baby. Several people have also told me that I am carrying low and that is usually the sign of a boy.Boy/girl - it makes no difference to me as long as he/she is healthy. This is probably the only time you will catch me saying, "Come on Monday!"
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