Miss Harper Mackenzie Sweatt!! Yes, our sweet angel is a baby GIRL!!!!
For months and months I was told, "You're having a boy!" People told me that because I was carrying low, it meant I would have a boy. I just kind of had it made up in my mind that a girl wasn't even an option.
Fast forward to Monday, April 2nd. Rick and I are with the ultrasound technician. She is explaining to us that baby looks good and everything is as it should be. Then, the moment we have been waiting for. The moment that will determine if we will talk about Gi-Joe, and cowboys, and spaceships or if we are headed down the path of pink, princesses, and tutus. "Do you want to know the sex?" Rick and I both looked at each other and said, "Yes!"...."IT'S A GIRL!!!" Cue the waterworks for this momma. Rick said that he will never forget that look on my face or the light in my eyes at that exact moment.

*I love that she is "smiling" at us in this one.
As you can tell, we are over the moon. Let the baby girl planning begin!
Congrats! So many people told me that they were convinced I was having a girl because I carried really high so much so that I had convinced myself of the same and we had a boy. :o) I will never forget that moment either. Get ready for a crazy ride!